Our Plan
The Loan Protection Plan aims to repay any outstanding home loan on your death. This means that you are safe in the knowledge that the roof over your partner and children’s heads is safe even when you are no longer around.
Plan Description
The Loan Protection Plan is a regular premium plan that provides for the payment of a fixed sum of money in the event of your death. The Loan Protection Plan offers life insurance only and does not provide an investment return. You choose the number of years you want the cover to last.
The lump-sum payable on death reduces each year roughly in line with your outstanding loan balance.
Its Aim
The plan provides life insurance for the length of time that you choose.
It pays a lump sum to your estate or whoever you decide.
Your Commitment
To keep up the payments throughout the period of cover.
To give us all the information we ask for throughout the application process and if and when you have to make a claim.
Risk Factors
The Plan only pays on death and you cannot get back the premiums you have paid.
If you do not truthfully provide all the information we ask for, we might not pay the lump sum on your death.
If you stop paying the premiums your cover would stop 30 days after the payment was missed.
ROCS Company Limited is an enrolled Tied Insurance Intermediary under the Insurance Distribution Act, Cap 487 of the Laws of Malta for MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c.. MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c.(C-15722) is authorized under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta. Both entities are regulated by the MFSA. Rocs Company Limited is only authorized to sell Insurance Based Investment Products (‘IBIPs’) and no investment services are being provided.